01 02 03 Amanda in Waste-Free Land: Brief Update: Life Changes but still Waste Free 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Brief Update: Life Changes but still Waste Free

Life has been busy and full of changes in the past few weeks, but I am still trying my hardest to be waste free.

This week saw me starting a new job, from one government organisation to another. I am still city bound, and still catching the train with an extra 10 minute walk. I am also still bringing my own lunches, keep cup and utensils- and good thing I have, the staff cafeteria is laden with plastic cutlery and single use coffee cups! I have also started taking a mason jar of Kombucha as an afternoon pick me up, although this morning it leaked all through my bag as I was running for the train... Good thing I have an assortment of cloth bags (old bandanas) I made, which double as emergency napkins!

Meanwhile, the BF is in the USA no doubt living the life of needless plastic! He did say he would try his hardest and I realise that will be hard- he's staying in hotels in America after all. For me back home this has seen an interesting shift in my cooking habits. I have hardly been cooking as I can't eat everything I make! So it's been lots of leftovers & eggs- they are great quick 1 person meals. Also the rubbish bin is very empty as the Contact Lens Culprit is away! This month I have only purchased a few plastic items- a bag of corn chips, a 1 kg block of cheese (I am working my way through) and 2 bottles of milk (for soft cheese & yogurt).

I have had a massive overhaul of my wardrobe (basically this has never stopped and has been on-going for the past few months) and am patiently waiting for my friends to all be free at the same time so we can have a clothes swap party. I have been hitting the op shops for some "new" work clothes, as I now no longer wear a uniform. I am being very strict on the clothes I buy and keep, they have to be super comfortable and fit perfectly. As a result my wardrobe looks fantastic and I have about 20 empty clothes hangers now, which I will be giving away. Unfortunately they are mostly all plastic, so I will slowly work on getting some metal/wooden ones.

I have also slowly been working my way through my beauty products, which despite giving away a massive bag full (duty free sized bag!) I still have way more than I use. My beauty routine is very basic- powder & mascara most days, lipstick and eyebrow pencil if I can be bothered/feel like it. I am aiming to make my own of what I can when I run out of a product. I will do a proper update of my beauty products in a few months once I am underway with making my own.

I am trying my hardest to keep up my efforts, today I was craving feta cheese but I couldn't bring myself to buy any as it was all plastic wrapped. Another success at the supermarket today was that I finally found plastic free pasta! It's the Barilla Pipe Rigate which comes in a cardboard box, and was the only pasta (sans lasange squares) that didn't have a plastic window, even the Barilla Penne Rigate had a plastic window! Looks like Barilla will be getting an email...

That's all for now, the BF comes home tomorrow so I shall see how he got on in the USA. In the meantime I am going to keep up my efforts and continue to slowly weird out my new co-workers as the No Plastic, No Rubbish, No Meat, Mason Jar girl!


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